November 12 2023 Throughout the day yesterday and into the night last night, many volunteers were hard at work lovingly painting and preparing a room for our new Drop-in Recovery Center! You'll definitely want to stay tuned to learn more about this project as it gets closer to launching, but in the meantime, we ask you to spend time today in prayer for people that will spend time in this room -- volunteers, staff people, people in recovery, people needing help of some sort, and more!

January 15,2024 #WednesdayMorningPrayers Last week after worship, we gathered to pray over the new Drop-in Center located on our first floor. Join us in a moment of prayer today that this may be a space filled with love, healing, recovery, growth, and nourishment. We pray for the people who support this ministry, the people who work in this ministry, and the people who will receive support through this ministry!