
Welcome to ELUMC Recovery Drop In Center

Recovery Support

Our mission is to support, celebrate and empower people with substance abuse disorders through connecting to resources, building the social, human and physical recovery capital of individuals and organizations and providing peer- based support to people in and seeking recovery.

Our center a safe, clean, sober and recovery focused environment for people to come together. It is led by volunteers and staff who are in long term recovery, offering peer support to anyone who needs a safe supportive place. Assessment and referrals to other mental health and substance abuse providers administered by certified and licensed social workers and case managers.

Groups, classes may include.

⦁ Health and Wellness

⦁ Peer led Recovery Groups

⦁ Anger Management Classes

⦁ Relapse Prevention

⦁ Harm Reduction

⦁ Women Recovery and Men in Recovery groups

⦁ 12 step recovery Groups

  • Trauma Informed care training for Providers

Find out how you can get involved and make an impact.

Acknowledging the reality of relapse, the project's recovery supportive environment minimizes the negative impact of relapse, through recovery and substance abuse education, building positive relationships and providing referrals to other social service community organizations. This approach encourages individuals to choose a new way of thinking and living. The project is available to all persons residing in Jefferson County, specifically for individuals residing in underserved neighborhoods of CenterPoint, Roebuck, Eastlake Woodlawn and Avondale

Recreational Activities

  • Pool Table

  • Foose Ball


  • Board and table games

Recovery Cafe’ - we offer free continental breakfast and hot lunches to all participants

The center will open Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 9am to 3pm. Days and times will be added in the near future

Our Vision

The center provides a safe clean sober and recovery focused environment for people to come together. It is staffed with licensed social workers and certified recovery coaches who have shared life experiences as well as formal education and training in addiction, recovery and co-occurring conditions. The drop in center vision is to create a level of care that responds to 5 key elements that improve the quality of life for the recovering and co-occurring communities

· Self- advocacy

· Recovery support/shared experiences

· Spirituality

· Community/ social engagement

· Health and Wellness

Your story is a powerful testament to resilience and growth. It's amazing to see how far you've come, and your journey is an inspiration to us all. Keep pushing forward, knowing that your site can evolve alongside you. Embrace this moment and trust that the future will take care of itself. It always does.”

— Quote source with a passion for community and growth

Help us build a stronger community

Pastor Sally and volunteer